Law theme. Judge chamber.

Plaintiffs’ Motion in Limine to Exclude Defendants’ Expert Denied

Jurisdiction: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

This case involves claims of asbestos exposure. Plaintiff Robert Stephen Sentilles initiated this action asserting negligence and strict liability claims against several defendants. Mr. Sentilles specifically claimed having asbestos exposure due to, among other things, working at various Navy shipyards involving insulation, asbestos blankets, and other related products from the 1950s to the 1980s. Plaintiff further claimed that he was diagnosed with mesothelioma as a result of the asbestos exposure on October 27, 2020.

Defendants …

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Close up of Male lawyer or judge hand's striking the gavel on sounding block, working with Law books, report the case on table in modern office, Law and justice concept

Court Denies Plaintiff’s Attempt to Reinstate Prior Claim of Post 1969 Exposure

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

Plaintiff Robert Stephen Sentilles was diagnosed with mesothelioma in October 2020. He filed his suit asserting negligence and strict liability claims against several defendants, including Avondale. Plaintiff alleged his illness was the result of asbestos exposure from the 1950s to the 1980s. More specifically, he alleged take-home exposure from his father and brother during their employment at Avondale, and from direct exposure from his own employment at Avondale.

Avondale filed three motions for partial summary judgment …

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judge's gavel and books

Plaintiffs’ Appeal to Reverse Defendants’ Daubert Motion In Limine was Granted

Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit

In this action, plaintiff Climmie Craft filed suit in this matter asserting that she contracted asbestos-related lung cancer as a consequence of her take-home exposure to asbestos while laundering the asbestos-contaminated clothing of her husband, Jerry Craft. Mrs. Craft alleges that her husband was exposed to asbestos while employed by various stevedoring companies, including the defendants. Mr. Craft died from asbestos-related mesothelioma. To demonstrate that her household exposure to asbestos and her husband’s workplace exposure to asbestos were …

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Courtroom, Gavel And Law Books

Court Rejects Motion to Remand Asbestos Exposure Case to State Court

Jurisdiction: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana 

Plaintiff Irma Lee LaGrange filed a motion in this asbestos action seeking the court to decline supplemental jurisdiction and remand to state court. Defendants Huntington Ingalls Inc. (Avondale), Hopeman Brothers Inc. and other defendants opposed the motion to which LaGrange filed a reply.

LaGrange claimed to have contracted mesothelioma as a result of asbestos exposure by laundering her husband’s work clothes. Her husband, Allen C. LaGrange, was allegedly exposed to asbestos while working as …

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Judge gavel with lawyer and attorney meeting in law firm background. Concepts of law, legal advice,legal services.

Motion for Summary Judgment Denied under Sophisticated User and Purchaser Doctrine

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

In this asbestos action, plaintiff Ted Matherne Sr. worked at the Avondale Shipyards. In addition, defendant Hopeman Brothers Inc. placed Micarta from Westinghouse “as a component part of the composite wall and bulkhead panels it suppled to Avondale for use aboard ships.”

Defendant Paramount Global (Westinghouse) moved for partial summary judgment, arguing it had no duty to warn as defendant Hopeman was a sophisticated user and purchaser of Micarta. Westinghouse contends Hopeman was aware …

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judge's gavel and books

Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Shipyard Subcontractor Granted

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

Defendant Hopeman Brothers Inc. moved for partial summary judgment with respect to plaintiffs’ claims of intentional tort, alter ego, and manufacturer strict liability.

In order to satisfy their intentional tort claim, plaintiffs must demonstrate that Hopeman “either consciously desired that plaintiff contract mesothelioma or knew that the result was substantially certain to follow from its conduct.” A substantial certainty is more than “knowingly permitting a hazardous work condition to exist.” The court concluded that …

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The law concept background.

Plaintiff’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment to Prevent Government Contractor Defense Granted

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

In the case of Matherne v. Huntington Ingalls Inc., plaintiffs moved for partial summary judgment regarding the Avondale Interests’ government contractor defense.

Plaintiff decedent Roseanna Matherne was diagnosed with mesothelioma, which she alleged resulted from secondhand exposure to asbestos via her husband’s work clothes that she laundered. Mrs. Matherne’s husband worked at Avondale Shipyard from 1965 to 1983. During his employment, Mr. Matherne worked on U.S. Coast Guard Cutters and Lykes, States, LASH, …

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Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk

Summary Judgment Denied as to Cloth and Boiler Manufacturers in Robichaux Mesothelioma Matter

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

In ACT’s continuing coverage of the Robichaux mesothelioma matter pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, reported most recently here, before the court were two motions for summary judgment: one filed by defendant Uniroyal Holdings Incorporated and another filed by defendant Foster Wheeler LLC.

First, regarding Uniroyal, plaintiffs provided evidence showing that Uniroyal cloth was regularly and frequently used by and around insulators working at Avondale Shipyard …

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Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk

Shipyard Defendant Receives Split Rulings on Motions in Robichaux Mesothelioma Matter

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

In ACT’s continuing coverage of the Robichaux mesothelioma matter pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana — reported most recently here — before the court were two motions in limine, one filed by plaintiff and one by defendant, Avondale.

First, plaintiffs moved to exclude factual testimony provided by Avondale’s witness Danny Joyce. Plaintiffs argue that Joyce’s testimony was not based on personal knowledge and, as such, Joyce …

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Law theme. Judge chamber.

Defendants Unsuccessful On Motions to Preclude Experts and Summary Judgment

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

In ACT’s continuing coverage of the Robichaux matter, Felton Robichaux filed suit in Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans against a number of defendants alleging he was exposed to asbestos from products he worked with as an insulator and carpenter at Avondale Shipyard from 1961 to 1979.

In addition to his own employment at Avondale Shipyard, plaintiffs allege Robichaux was also secondarily exposed through contact with his brother, Junior Robichaux, who worked at …

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