Law theme. Judge chamber.

Floor Tile Manufacturer’s Motion for Renewal Denied on Causation Ground

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

Defendant Mannington Mills Inc. moved for renewal of its previously denied motion for summary judgment, arguing the New York Court of Appeals’ Nemeth decision has since changed the law regarding causation. Under New York law, a party may move for leave to renew a decision to assert  “new facts not offered on the prior motion that would change the prior determination or . . . demonstrate that there has been a change in the law that …

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Courtroom, Gavel And Law Books

Pipe Manufacturer Denied Summary Judgment in NYCAL

Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, decedent Rudolf Horvath alleged that he was exposed to asbestos from Bondstrand pipes manufactured by the defendant, Ameron International. Ameron moved for summary judgment, arguing that its pipes could not have caused or contributed to the decedent’s injury. Ameron points to the decedent’s testimony that he worked with chemical pipes at a chemical plant in the West Side area of New York City. Ameron contends that the decedent could not have worked with …

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Cosmetic Talc Manufacturer Denied Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding Punitive Damages

Jurisdiction: Supreme Court of New York, New York County; October 5, 2023

Plaintiff filed a lawsuit alleging her asbestos-related disease was caused by her use of talcum powder products manufactured by, among others, Chanel. In the motion, Chanel moved to dismiss plaintiff’s punitive damages claim on the basis that Chanel did not exhibit the “level of malice and near criminal reckless disregard” necessary to justify such damages. Plaintiff opposed the motion, arguing that Chanel was aware of the presence of asbestos in its talc and the negative impacts …

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Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk

Trial Court Finds Plaintiff Lacks Personal Jurisdiction over Holding Company Defendant

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

Plaintiffs Michele Stuck and Jack Bannister, individually and as executors of the estate of Penelope Rigsby, brought an action against countless cosmetic manufacturers, including BATUS Holding Inc. Plaintiffs sued BATUS individually and as successor-in-interest to British American Cosmetics, Yardley Co., and Yardley of London Inc. 

On the other hand, BATUS argued that as a holding company it never placed any products into the stream of commerce and thus has no ties to the State of New York. Plaintiff …

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Closeup of a sculpture with balance

Valve Manufacturer Denied Summary Judgment in NYCAL

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, defendant Crosby moved for summary judgment on duty to warn and causation grounds. Plaintiff Joseph Deroy opposed the motion.

Ultimately, the court denied the motion. The court first noted that “summary judgment is a drastic remedy and should only be granted if the moving party has sufficiently established that it is warranted as a matter of law.” In addition, “summary judgment is rarely granted in negligence actions unless there is no conflict at …

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The law concept background.

NYCAL Judge Finds Jurisdiction Over Automotive Defendant and Denies Summary Judgment

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, defendant Western Auto moved to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction and for summary judgment. Plaintiff Winfield Frederick opposed both motions. Ultimately, the court denied both motions.

With regard to the motion for personal jurisdiction, the court set forth that the defendant “did not even allege that it does not have contacts with the State of New York, and it is undisputed that defendant Western placed products into the stream of commerce.” …

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judge's gavel and books

Gasket Manufacturer Denied Summary Judgment in NYCAL

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, defendant Goodyear moved for summary judgment, arguing that asbestos exposure from its sheet gaskets could not have caused plaintiff Robert Waldon’s lung cancer. In support, Goodyear submitted the expert reports of CIH John Spencer and Dr. Robert Sussman. In opposition, plaintiff submitted its own expert reports from CIH Kenneth Garza and Dr. Mark Ginsburg.

Ultimately, the court denied the motion. The court first noted that “summary judgment is a drastic remedy and …

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Law theme. Judge chamber.

Boiler Manufacturer’s Motions for Partial Summary Judgment as to Punitive Damages Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

Defendant Burnham LLC filed motions for partial summary judgment with respect to punitive damages in two actions, DeRoy and Giuliano, on the basis that (1) asbestos exposure from Burnham boilers would fall below TLV or PEL/OSHA limits, and (2) Burnham’s lack of workers’ compensation claims for asbestos-related disease.

The court rejected both arguments, noting that the TLV/OSHA standards “have little bearing on plaintiff’s unequivocal and consistent testimony” regarding his exposure to asbestos from work involving …

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Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk

Engine Defendant’s Motions for Summary Judgment Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

Defendant Perkins Engines Inc. filed motions for summary judgment in two actions, Frederick and Nankervis.

In Frederick, Perkins filed its motion based upon a lack of product identification and causation. In support of the product identification claim, Perkins relies upon the expert report of Certified Industrial Hygienist, Catherine E. Simmons, which states that “Perkins gaskets are associated only with Perkins diesel engines” and that she is “unaware that [Perkins] manufactured or supplied friction products …

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Wooden judge gavel, close-up view.

Glove Manufacturer’s Renewed Motion to Dismiss Based Upon Lack of Personal Jurisdiction Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

Defendant Steel Grip Inc. (SGI) filed a renewed motion to dismiss following the completion of jurisdictional discovery on the basis that it lacked any connection to the State of New York.

In order to find personal jurisdiction, a court must determine whether general or specific jurisdiction exists over a given defendant. A court has general jurisdiction over a defendant where that defendant is “at home,” the state in which a company is incorporated or has its …

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