The law concept background.

Supplier’s Motion for Summary Judgment on Causation Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, defendant Dykes Lumber moved for summary judgment, arguing it established a prima facie case for lack of causation under Nemeth v. Brenntag. Plaintiff Raphael Sason opposed the motion.

First, the court set forth the summary judgment standard, including that “the proponent of a summary judgment motion must make a prima facie showing of entitlement to judgment as a matter of law, tendering sufficient evidence to eliminate any material issues of fact …

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Judge chamber with gavel

Door Manufacturer’s Motion to Dismiss Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, defendant T.M. Cobb moved to dismiss plaintiff James Witte’s complaint against them for lack of personal jurisdiction. T.M. Cobb argued that it did not have connections to New York as it did not sell products, nor conducted business, in New York State. In support of its motion, T.M. Cobb relied on the deposition testimony of Jeffrey Cobb. Plaintiff opposed T.M. Cobb’s motion, contending that Witte identified working with T.M. Cobb doors in …

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Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk

NYCAL Judge Grants Joint Trial of Three Asbestos Cases

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, plaintiff’s counsel filed an order to show cause to join three cases for one joint trial: Cinfo, Morie, and Toscani. Defendants opposed the order to show cause. In NYCAL, the controlling case to determine whether cases should be joined for trial is Malcolm v. National Gypsum. Under Malcolm, the following factors are used to determine whether joinder is appropriate, including:

(1) common worksites;

(2) similar occupation;

(3) similar …

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judge's gavel and books

Automotive Parts Supplier’s Motion for Summary Judgment Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, plaintiff Joseph Munna alleged asbestos exposure from his work as an automobile mechanic from the 1970s until the 1990s. During this time, he alleged that he obtained asbestos-containing parts from Advance Auto.

Advance moved for summary judgment, contending that Munna was not present or involved in the ordering of any products from Advance. Advance also contended that they did not operate in two areas during the time where Munna claimed to have …

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Law theme. Judge chamber.

Water Heater Manufacturer Denied Summary Judgment as Corporate Representative Affidavit Deemed Insufficient

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, decedent Christopher Yohe alleged exposure to asbestos from Bradford White water heaters while working as a plumber from the 1980s to the 2000s. Bradford White moved for summary judgment, arguing the water-heater parts identified by Yohe did not contain asbestos. Bradford White submitted an affidavit in support of its motion. Plaintiff opposed this motion on the grounds that Bradford White’s affidavit was insufficient to meet Bradford White’s burden. In addition, Bradford White …

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The law concept background.

General Contractor’s Motion for Summary Judgment Denied

Court Jurisdiction: Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County (NYCAL)

In this asbestos case, decedent, Richard Robinson passed away immediately after the commencement of the instant action. One of the defendants, Tishman Liquidating Corporation was not identified in plaintiff’s answer to interrogatories. However, during the discovery deposition of Roddy Davis, a fact witness that was an employee of the business owned by decedent and his family, Davis identified Tishman as a general contractor of job sites where Keystone Wire & Iron …

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The law concept background.

Appeals Court Affirms NYCAL Judge’s Denials of Motions to Dismiss on Successor Liability Grounds

Court: Supreme Court of New York, Appellate Division, First Department

Defendant P.B. Heat previously moved to dismiss multiple complaints in New York City Asbestos Litigation (NYCAL) cases. NYCAL Coordinating Judge Adam Silvera denied each of these motions. Asbestos Case Tracker covered one of Judge Silvera’s previous decisions where he denied P.B. Heat’s motion in the Catapano matter. P.B. Heat appealed the multiple denials to dismiss.

The court discussed two arguments on appeal. First, P.B. Heat contended that there were no factual allegations setting forth the …

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Closeup of a sculpture with balance

Talc Supplier’s Motion for Summary Judgment Denied as to Causation, Granted as to Punitive Damages

Court: Supreme Court of New York, Erie County

In this asbestos matter, plaintiffs claimed that decedent, Jeffrey Campise, was exposed to asbestos through consumer talcum powder products. Plaintiffs filed suit against a number of manufacturers of cosmetic-talc products, along with Whitaker, Clark & Daniels (WCD), as an alleged supplier of talc to the aforementioned manufacturers. WCD filed a motion for summary judgment seeking to dismiss plaintiffs’ claims in their entirety. 

As a preliminary matter, WCD argued it was speculative as to whether its talc was in …

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Judge chamber with gavel

Plaintiff’s Worksite Testimony Precludes Summary Judgment for Contractor Defendant

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, defendant Tishman Liquidating Corporation moved for summary judgment on the grounds that it is not responsible for any of the three job sites for which the plaintiff identified the company as the general contractor, and, therefore, is not liable for any injury that the plaintiff allegedly sustained from such sites.

For two of the sites, Tishman proffered New York Times articles that reported the general contractors to be companies other than Tishman, …

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judge's gavel and books

Clutch Manufacturer Obtains Summary Judgment on Medical Causation Grounds

Court: Supreme Court of the State of New York, Nassau County

In this asbestos action, plaintiff Donna Daniell alleged asbestos exposure from working near auto mechanics, including her husband, Robert, while they used asbestos-containing products. She also alleged asbestos exposure from laundering her husband’s work clothes. She contends that she developed lung cancer from these exposures. Defendant LuK Clutch Systems LLC moved for summary judgment, arguing that Donna’s exposure to asbestos from LuK clutches would have been minimal and “similar [to] the ambient levels of asbestos in …

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