Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk

General Contractor’s Motion for Summary Judgment Denied

Supreme Court of New York, New York County (NYCAL)

In this asbestos action, defendant Arconic, Inc. f/k/a Alcoa, Inc., (Alcoa) moved for summary judgment on the basis that asbestos-containing fireproofing material was not used at the World Trade Center during the plaintiff’s employment and that Alcoa, as a general contractor, did not supervise or control the plaintiff’s work as a sub-contractor employee. Plaintiff decedent, Kevin Ryder, opposed, noting that a general contractor can be held liable for an injury when it has actual or constructive …

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Law theme. Judge chamber.

Talc Defendant Denied Summary Judgment in NYCAL

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this talc action, plaintiff Christina Thomas alleged she was exposed to asbestos from products manufactured by defendant Port Jervis Laboratories Inc., s/h/a Kolmar Laboratories, Inc.

Kolmar moved for summary judgment, arguing plaintiff had not established she was exposed to asbestos from a Kolmar product which caused her illness. Defendant further argued that it manufactured the products per the specifications of Johnson & Johnson. 

Plaintiff opposed Kolmar’s motion, citing defendant’s concession that they manufactured the product …

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Wooden judge gavel, close-up view.

Boiler Manufacturer Denied Summary Judgment in NYCAL

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, decedent Anthony Morale alleged he was exposed to asbestos from boilers manufactured by defendant Fulton Boiler Works. Fulton moved for summary judgment, arguing it could not have caused or contributed to plaintiff’s injury. In support, Fulton proffered a corporate representative affidavit “to indicate that Fulton boilers did not require the type of servicing/assembly noted in [Morale’s] testimony and were not sold for use in the environments of Morale’s exposure.” Plaintiff opposed Fulton’s …

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Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk

Caulk and Plaster Manufacturer Denied Summary Judgment in NYCAL

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, decedent Jose Munoz alleged that he was exposed to asbestos from caulk and plaster manufactured by defendant DAP.

DAP moved for summary judgment, arguing that “not all DAP caulks historically contained asbestos, no DAP plaster product contained asbestos, and that plaintiff’s causation for mesothelioma is insufficient.” In support of its motion, DAP submitted affidavits from a DAP former employee and a certified industrial hygienist. Plaintiff opposed DAP’s motion, citing plaintiff’s testimony identifying DAP products, as well …

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Law theme. Judge chamber.

Corporate Representative Affidavit Found Insufficient in Connection with NYCAL Summary Judgment Motion

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, decedent Willie Hollingsworth alleged he was exposed to asbestos from valves manufactured by Clow. Defendant McWane Inc., on behalf of its unincorporated division Clow Valve Company, moved for summary judgment.

Defendant argued that Clow valves could not have caused or contributed to decedent’s injury. Defendant argued that plaintiff did not sufficiently identify Clow valves as a source of asbestos exposure. Plaintiff opposed defendant’s motion, citing plaintiff’s testimony identifying Clow valves and failing …

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Courtroom, Gavel And Law Books

Tile Manufacturer Denied Summary Judgment in NYCAL

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

In this asbestos action, plaintiff Peter Marino alleged he was exposed to asbestos from floor tiles manufactured by defendant, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Goodyear moved for summary judgment, arguing it could not have caused or contributed to plaintiff’s injury. Goodyear argued plaintiff “identified only potential exposure to Goodyear without surrounding details or confirmation.” Defendant further argued that plaintiff did not see the packaging of its floor tile, as well as its floor tiles would …

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Wooden judge gavel, close-up view.

Pump Manufacturer’s Motion for Summary Judgment Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

Defendant Milton Roy LLC filed a motion for summary judgment on the grounds that the plaintiff failed to identify Milton Roy as a manufacturer of any asbestos-containing products to which he was exposed during his employment with Con Edison between the 1970s and 1990s. In support of its motion, Milton Roy provided an affidavit from its corporate representative, which confirmed that none of the pumps at the plaintiff’s jobsites utilized asbestos-containing gaskets or other components.

In …

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Air Compressor Manufacturer’s Motion for Summary Judgment Denied

Court: Supreme Court of New York, New York County

Defendant Campbell Hausfeld LLC filed a motion for summary judgment on the basis that no Campbell product had been identified in connection with the plaintiff’s lung cancer. In support of its motion, Campbell pointed out the plaintiff’s history of cigarette smoking, and reiterated that the plaintiff could not prove exposure to asbestos from gasket replacements on its air compressors. In addition, Campbell asserted that the gaskets described by the plaintiff would not have contained asbestos.

In …

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Courtroom, Gavel And Law Books

Plaintiff’s Expert Precluded under Rule 702, Talc Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment Granted

4th Circuit US District Court

Plaintiff Patricia McElroy claimed asbestos exposure via talc-based beauty products from varying brands and asserted a cause of action based upon negligence and product liability, including inadequate design, formulation, breach of implied warranty, willful and wanton conduct, and failure to warn. The plaintiff alleged that defendant Colgate-Palmolive Company developed, manufactured, marketed, and distributed Cashmere Bouquet, which the plaintiff claimed caused her to inhale mesothelioma-causing asbestos fibers. The defendant moved to exclude the testimony of expert witness William Ewing, …

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The law concept background.

Gasket Manufacturer’s Motions for Summary Judgment Granted, in part, Pursuant to Maritime Law

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Plaintiff’s decedent, Joseph Pine, served as a fireman aboard the USS Constellation from 1965-1967. After he died from mesothelioma a month after his diagnosis, his widow Lydia Pine (plaintiff) brought suit against defendant John Crane Inc. and a number of other asbestos manufacturers. As the final remaining defendant, Crane moved for summary judgment and to strike plaintiff’s jury demand.

According to the pleadings, the decedent worked on auxiliary equipment including pumps, gaskets, valves, generators, and steam-driven …

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