A jury returned a multi-million dollar verdict against valve defendant Fisher Controls International LLC (Fisher) on January 24. The plaintiffs filed suit against Fisher and other defendants alleging that Thomas Glenn developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos while working as a pipe fitter for Duke Power. Mr. Glenn’s work involved the use of asbestos containing gaskets used in valves and pumps. Mr. Glenn also worked in the vicinity of others working on Fisher valves. He passed away in February of 2015 and his wife filed suit in July 2015.
The jury found that Fisher breached an implied warranty in the sale of its valves. That breach was found to be a factor in causing Mr. Glenn’s mesothelioma. Co-defendants Carboline Co. and Crosby Valve LLC were found not liable. In addition, Fisher was hit with $2.1 million in punitive damages for what the jury found to be willful, wanton or reckless conduct.