On May 22, 2017, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed New York City Asbestos Litigation (NYCAL) Supreme Court Justices Cynthia S. Kern and Peter H. Moulton to the First Department-Appellate Division. Associate Justice Rolando Acosta was designated to the Presiding Justice of this Appellate Division and Supreme Court Justices Jeffrey Oing and Anil Singh will fill the remaining Associate Justice vacancies. The First Department covers New York and Bronx Counties.
Justice Cynthia S. Kern has been a justice in the 1st Judicial District of the Supreme Court, Civil Branch, New York County since her election in 2011. Justice Peter H. Moulton has been serving as both the Administrative Judge, 1st Judicial District of the Supreme Court, Civil Branch, New York County and the Coordinating Judge of NYCAL since March 2015.
The ACT will continue to monitor upcoming judicial changes within NYCAL and update accordingly.