An ongoing issue in asbestos litigation is whether plaintiffs have received monies from bankruptcy trusts. The plaintiff’s bar has traditionally fought discovery of this information, but recently South Dakota became the first state to enact legislation regarding this issue. Senate Bill No. 138 recommends amending the code to order plaintiffs to identify any asbestos trust claims filed by them not more than one hundred and twenty days before trial. Such identification shall include: information about the trust claim itself; the amount claimed, or to be claimed by plaintiff; an attestation from plaintiff that the claim is based upon a good faith investigation. Failure of the plaintiff to provide and supplement this information constitutes grounds for the court to extend the trial date. All trust claims are admissible in evidence, and are not privileged. This Act will apply to any asbestos actions filed on or after July 1, 2017.
South Dakota Enacts Legislation Allowing Transparency in Bankruptcy Trust Claims
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